Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hi All,

As this blog is didicated to our community people- always I wish to collect history about our community prople's strugle to survive in the olden days. Photographs of our great great social workers from  our caste(gouda, settibalija, srisayna, ediga and yata). articles about history of our caste. any thing about our caste to share with our people please mail me at

My only aim is to share the strugles of our fore fathers to uplift our caste, which we are experiencing now.
They only plan today's our education etc. by planning like stepping stones. 100 years back their dream was to educate the new generation of our caste (the generation means we now) and uplift us from grass root lavel. Because of their vision now we are getting good jobs/professions, typing, browsing and comunicating in different languages. But still there are many people still in bad conditions by doing tapping profession.

I do not know how many of us really feel the difficulties of tapping community people, whose bread earning profession is tapping. By doing tapping job they feed children, wife and old parents/dependents. If we are really concerned to our caste, we should know and tell troubles of these tapping people to our new generations. The people who educated and have good jobs should do something to uplift the poor of our caste, like our great social workers done before 100 years.

Whenever I visit some villages, where tapping people of our caste living, I feel very bad to see them especially the male only bread winner of the family. Everyday he has to climb 10 to20 long palm trees to tap toddy to sell. After selling the toddy only they get money to buy rice and other things to cook  the days meal.
By any reason if the only bread winner obsent to the daily job (climb and collect the toddy) that day they may not get meals. Toddy sales vary from season to season. Everyday the only bread winner of the family to carry many items to support his job (laddar, pot, knife etc. I will give the exact names of items in future) these items weight about 10 kgs. + after filling the pot with toddy the weight will be more.

Why I am writing all these things, the people in tapping profession are physically very very in bad condition. Their hands become very hard, imagine their touching soft body of their children. Their foot/ancle also become very hard like bull's neck back. All these are few things I put for little understanding only.

So let us do something to those who are in need by spreading their strugles to our new generations, who can
understand and do something. If possible visit villages, where tapping community is living and understand personally. Tapping profession is not bad professsion as some feel like. Like other professions this is our profession since olden days. Now we are educated and feel good; but still people are there looking for help.

Please mail me your feedback alongwith articles, photos etc. related to our caste(gouda, settibalija, srisayna, ediga and yata).   Thanks.

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