Monday 21 October 2013



Sarvay Papanna Goud-17th century telugu monarch
The Goud are one of the largest castes in Andhra Pradesh comprising more than 17% of its population. Gouds are involved in soma and Ayurvedic medicine developers in ancient days who are classified as Somavansh Kshatriyas. At present, they are involved in Palm wine/Toddy tapping, farming and modern professions.


Regarding their origin, several legends are present. According to the Goud Puran, they are said to have come from Benares and other parts of Northern India, where they were originally engaged in the manufacture and sales of spirituous liquors. Another legend represents them as having sprung from Koundinya Rishi, who was created by Parvati for the purpose of extracting and fermenting the sap of the wild date palm and thus supplying the wants of gods and men in the matter of intoxicating drinks. It is said that the gods and demons were so delighted with the pleasant beverage, that they conferred upon him the title of 'Gouda' or 'the head of mankind.'
The words Goud and Idiga is believed to derived from old Dravidian word ida or ila means island. They are known as Deevaramakkalu (in Kannada) which also might have been derived from dweep which means an island, possibly pointing towards Srilanka. It?s believed that Gouds were practicing Buddhism before the arrival of Brahmins from the North. Buddhism in South India is believed to have arrived from Srilanka and hence the Idigas were possibly descendents of the Buddhist monks from Srilanka and natives who absorbed Buddhism by influence of these monks. There were two divisions among Gouds of Andhra Pradesh, Dandu Idigas and Baliga Idigas. Dandu or Dande, meaning Pole weapon/pole, was used as weapon in wars. Dandu Idigas were warriors and were associated with feudal army of Telugu kings. Dandu Idigas were also known as Palli or Patha(old) Gouds, considered to be endangered. Baliga Idigas were toddy tappers of palm tree.
It seems probable that the caste is a functional group, formed from the members of other castes under the pressure of the demand for intoxicating drinks. This view bears support from the internal structure of the caste, which shows that it comprises several independent groups. Internal Structure.---- The caste is divided into six endogamous groups. (1) Deva Goundala, (2) Shetti Goundala, (3) Mashti Goundala, (4)Goundala, (5) Idiga and (6) Laguwad. The above names are only historical. The different names are not known at least after 18th centuary.

Deva Goundala

It is believed that they are dweep goundalas, original descendents of Buddhist monks from island. However the members of this sub-sect claim and is traditionally ascribed to the fact that the members of this sub-caste supplied toddy and arrack/liquor to the Devas(gods). At the Present day, they hold the highest rank among the Goundala castes.

The Shetti, or Chetti Goundala

They are numerous and also enjoy highest or slightly lesser rank along with Deva Goundalas. They assert that the distinctive title Shetti was conferred upon their ancestor by Raja Prataparudra ofWarangal, for successfully meeting and overcoming an invincible gymnast in a wrestling match. Later many became good gymnasts, participated in wrestling matches and were also recruited into army.

Mashti Goundala

Mashti Goundala occupy the lowest position among the Goundala sub-castes. They have five sub-divisions: (1) Tella Idiga, (2) Kulla Jain, (3) Kada, (4) Ayanotiwaru and (5) Jetti. The members of these sub-castes don?t inter-marry.


The word 'Idiga' comes from 'Ita' which means a Shendi tree, and who make incisions on the tree for its sap are called 'Ita Godlu' , the two words ultimately passing into the term 'Idiga'. The sub-caste is said to have been recruited from among members of other castes, especially from the Mutrasi, Munnur and Telega castes. The Idigas have a sub-division called 'Thala Idiga,'the word 'Thala' signifying 'the head.'


The Laguwad or Lagullawandlu are so called because they wear lagus i.e., short trousers.This sub-caste is also recruited from other castes.
The History of alcohol reveals the following facts.
  • Humans all over the world consumed alcoholic beverages as a stable food from 10000BC to 2000BC as compared to bread or meals. In India, sura drink and soma are prepared from the cultivated products like rice, wheat, sugar cane( Ikshvaku ), grapes, flowers and other fruits. Storage of these beverages is very easy as compared to storage of grains. These beverages are considered as the God given due to their energy content and medicinal effects.
  • During 2000 BC to 500 BC, human beings food habits changed from alcohol consumption to more traditional foods like bread, meals, rasam and curries etc as there are lots of ayurvedic medicines invented during these times.
Kingdoms are formed around 5000 years back or 3000BC. During these times, somavanshi Kshatriyas took over the profession of development & production of alcoholic beverage and ayurvedic medicine.
The alcohol beverage words like sura,sara are closely related to the ancient words like surya,Ikshvaku( sugar cane ) andsarayu .

Mythological Origins

  • According to Gowd legend, they originated from the Great Sage Kaundinya who lived in kurnool district (around 1300 AD)Template:Gouda charitra book with goud hostel, who they believe originally invented toddy tapping. They believe that many kings came from their community including the Chalukya, and the Satavahana kings. The community is derived branch of somavamsha kshatriyas( Haihaya kshatriyas) who lived at the time of Parashurama. They pray the deity Renuka who is a kshatriya and mother of parashurama. She is also wife of jamadagni who is a brahmin.
At those times, the community needed a kshatriya type warrior position to spread soma to the people. They needed brahminical help to do different types of soma liquids.
  • Alcohol, Madhu or Nectar is first given to Demi Gods by Lord Vishnu in Mohini Avatar along with Kalpavriksha (present day coconut tree or palm tree). These trees may be 60 million years old. The timing also coincides with the timing of kurma avatar. Lord Vishnu is also called as Madhu or Madhusudhan. In the initial days, Gouds got patronized by Amrutham and started distilling different types of liquor. They used to serve liquor to the people to relieve them from different types of diseases and pains. They invented lot of ayurvedic medicines to sabotage different types of illnesses. They tried most of the trees and fruits to get different types of wines. Finally they invented toddy (only having 1 to 5 % alcohol) which is considered to be the best food as well as medicine, even today. Toddy is drunk mostly in the rural parts which is relatively low in price( of about ? the cost of Beer of same alcoholic content). Toddy is available only during February to May month of every year. The community will live like farmers during the rest of the year.
  • The Setti Balija?s and Sri Sayana?s original name was Goud. Their surnames Gudala,Gubbala, Geddada, Gouthu suggests that their original name was Goud - these adaptations first became known in the 18th and 19th centuriescitation needed. Sri Dommeti Venkat Garu (A Goud), had a chief status and changed the community name to Setti Balija. Sri Dommeti Venkat Garu lived in Bodasakurru village near Kakinada of East Godavari District.
  • Kerala was considered be the origin of the Goud or Ezhava community as early as Ramayana and Mahabharata times.
  • The Eastern Chalukyas ruled Andhra region from 7th century to 1189 CE. They had their capital originally at Vengi near Nidadavole of the West Godavari district and later changed to Rajamahendravaram (Rajamundry). During this period Gouds prospered around this
region. They constitute the single largest community in Godavari districts. Chalukya Bhima-I has constructed many Bimeshwar temples at Dhraksha Rama, Somarlakota( Present samalkot ). Chalukya kings constructed Someshwar temples at Nidadavole and Bhimavaram of West Godavari. This shows their liking towards soma.
  • Gundaya (950 CE) was the first known historical figure among the Kakatiyas.
There are lot of gouds residing around warangal or orugallu.The kakatiyas are belied to be of Racherla gotram kings. During the fall of Kakatiya empire, the musini surname families (Markandeya gotram) who ruled the kakatiya empire for 50 years got settled in Warangal,Nalgonda,Krishna and Godavari districts. There are lot of gouds with musini surname in the above districts. There are lot of villages like musinuri, musinipally, musinivari palem and musigampala. There are lot of other communities with these surnames.
  • During Vijayanagara Empire, the Gouds and Nadars were having dominant position in the society because of their huge population (Single largest community of South India) and the society dependency on toddy (a beverage which was called as mandhu (medicine). Therayana(surname is common in gouds residing in Ananthapur, Kurnool, Prakasham, Guntur, Krishna, and Godavari districts) families got settled during the fall of Vijayanagara empire. All the trading castes were having equal respect to the farming communities,as the income from farming was just below the income from different trades. Earlier to this empire from Neolithic Revolution, farming was a low profit self employment work by all communities including Tribals.
  • By the end of 18th century the British East India Company had consolidated their rule in Andhra. They brought modern cultivation methods with good transportation of materials. The cultivation become more profitable. The rich gouds entered into cultivation where as the Poorgouds stick to various low income professions and they become further poor.
The British also suppressed the gouds as the British wanted their products to be more used by the Indians.
  • During 1850 AD, there is a widespread negative propaganda in drinking alcoholic beverages. Most of the researchers felt that drinking alcoholic beverages can cause major
health problems and also decreases thinking power.
Present research on Alcohol consumption has made public about the following facts.
Alcoholic beverages tend to stimulate your appetite.
  • Wine consists of smaller quantities of phytochemicals that tend to reduce your chances of developing heart disease and certain cancers.
Moderate drinkers may have a lower risk of diabetes than non-drinkers. Research finds an association between better cognition or thinking ability and moderate drinking(because of new cells formation.Brain size decreases on heavy drinking.
  • Genes play a major role in deciding as to how your body will process alcohol.
  • Keep a check on the eatables that you consume while boozing, because that can lead to weight gain.
  • Excess of anything is bad, so drink in limited quantities , be it beer, wine or spirits. Excessive drinking can cause hangover, leading to problems like nausea, vomit etc.
The most advanced countries, like USA (30 times), Germany, France and China have a per capita consumption (alcohol) which is 40 to 10 times that of India.
  • Gouds use the name "Prasad" to represent their affinity for cultivating coconut fields and banana fields. The following surnames suggest that gouds mostly depend on tree products like Talla, thati (palm tree), nara, narikel, naragani(coconut), chintal, chintalapati (tamarind), mamidla, mamidisetti (Mango), panasa, arati (banana). Some surnames like annam (Rice) and cheruku (sugarcane) suggest their current day cultivation.
  • The members of the caste claim to have the following gotras (exogamous groups)
Bharadwaja, ,Dhananjaya ,Datteraya ,Kamandalam ,Koundinya ,Kashyapa ,Mrukanda ,Markendeya ,Nishila ,Pydipala (This gotram came around 1700 A.D.) ,Racherla (This gotram came around 500 A.D.) ,Shivanama ,Surabhandeshwar ,Shivansha ,Tullyamahamuni ,Vashista ,Vruddhamahamuni


Post Independence, the community was not given key ministerial positions, so the community development was not as good as Kammas or Reddies. The community leaders are fighting to get key ministerial positions in different parties. Very few or no leaders held key ministries like Home,revenue, Industries, PCC leader, speaker, CM etc. Very few leaders held ministries for 5 years.Without getting key political positions like ministries,Judges, Rajyasabha MP's, MLC's etc,the community development will be very less and the BC reservation in unimportant posts is just an eye wash. This should change and the community should get its rightful share in politics & the good news is that the community people are becoming active in politics and gaining their positions , especially in Telangana, though much more needs to be done on this front.


They are divided into Tirmanidharis and Vibhutidharis, or the worshippers of Vishnu and Shiva, under the guidance of their respective sectarian gurus, Shri Vaishnava and Aradhi Brahmans. Preference is, however, given to the worship of Shiva, whom they adore under the peculiar name of someshwar, or "the god Shiva who heads soma."
The goddess somalamma who is considered to be the avatar of kali, is prayed by Hindus. There are lot of villages that were come up with the goddess somalamma. They celebrate the festival of Katamayya Panduga(Gouda?s festival) or bonalu in shravan masam of every year in Telangana.

Sardar Sarvai Papanna Goud

Sardar Sarvayi Papanna Goud also called as Papadu was a Telugu King, who ruled Buvanagiri of Nalgonda, Thatikonda of Warangal, Kolanupaka, Cheriyala, Karimnagar, Huzurabad and Husnabad regions for 30 years. Papanna Goud born in 1650 A.D. Having seen the oppressions and atrocities committed by Mughals, during that time raised a small army out of warrior castes through guerilla attacks on them. He recruited followers from an array of idiga men and ritually warrior groups to form an army of several thousand. With it, he mounted successful assaults against several of the major towns in Telangana which were under Mughals and captured several towns and forts.


  • Gouds are found all over Andhra Pradesh, but large concentrations can be found in Ranga Reddy, East Godavari, West Godavari,Warangal,Nizamabad,Nalgonda, Karimnagar, Medak,Kurnool,Krishna,Khammam,Guntur and Adilabad, districts.
  • They are one of the most populous castes in Nizamabad, East Godavari, Nalgonda, Karimnagar, Adilabad, Warangal, Krishna,Prakasham, Nellore, Anantapur, West Godavari, Medak,Ranga Reddy,Mahbubnagar, Khammam and Hyderabad districts.
In Godavari districts, they are the most populous caste and have equal political status as the Kapu Caste.
  • In Maharashtra, they are settled in Nanded & Latur region of Marathwada, Chandrapur of Vidharba and in Konkan region. Though population of this caste is small in Marathwada and Vidharbha and known as 'Kalal/Goud Kalal', there are large populations in Konkan region and known as 'Bhandaris'
  • In Telangana, castes with the largest population are the Gouds, Yadavs, Mudiraju, Padmashali, and Munnuru Kapus.

Common Surnames

Goud surnames will have the following suffixes:
  • Setti or setty - Visakapatnam, Godavari, Khammam and Krishna districts.
    • Like - Medisetti, Marisetti, Vasamsetti, Koppisetti, Mamidisetti,Anagani,Polagani, Bonagani etc
    • Matta, Katta, Borra etc
  • Gani or gany - Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore & Telangana.
    • Like - Gandi,Gaddam,Gattu,Enumula, chittibomma, Undrakonda, Sure, Meduri, Akula, Reka, Sreeram, Veeranki, Addanki, Bathina, Busaram, Komara, Kancharla, Vemulakonda, Dontha, Burra, Ragani, Kodi, Bolagani,Bommagani, Anagani, Margani, Nargani, Balagani, Sudagani, Nargana, Margana, Naragoni, Alegani, Bajaru, Talla, Bathini, Byragoni, Balagouni, Balagowni, Deshagouni, Deshagowni, Veeragowni, Madasu, Balagoni, Badagowni, Chalamalla, Gavini, Goda, Godishala, Jalagam, Macharla, Manda, Pogula, Sudagani, Godella.etc
setti surnames mostly came from the business profession. Gani or goni or Gouni surnames came from the profession of Ganadhipathi( leader of warriers).
Nellore Dt surnames: Parvatala, Kammiti, Nasina, Pandi, Mulam, Nadavati, Jana, Kosuri, Tata, Jampani
Krishna Dt:chittibomma, Badugu, Pamarti, Murrala, Bolla, Naragam, Pallagani, Chalpati, Rajulapati, Vemula, Chimata, Sonti, Mekapothula, Mareedhu, Palagani, Parise, Veeranki,parasa,matta,anagani,motapothula,ijjagani,pandi,
Guntur Dt: chittibomma, Reka, Addanki, Veeranki, Vemulakonda, Sreeram, Vaka, Suragani, Donta, Anagani, Pandi, Kukkala, Evuri,mekapothula, maadu,
Warangal Dt: Konne, Gandi,Gaddam,Gattu,Balne, Tabeti,gurram,ponnam khammam dt: veeranki, mekapothula, pandhi, motapothula, pilli,parasa nalgonda dist: Konne, VAILLA,ponnam


It comes under BC-B section 4. The following castes are considered as Goud community under AP BC act. List of B.Cs and categorization (As per G.O.Ms. No. 1793 Education Dept., Dt : 23.9.1970 as modified from time to time).
S.No.Caste NameS.No.Caste NameS.No.Caste NameS.No.Caste NameS.No.Caste NameS.No.Caste Name
7Ediga8Idiga9Segidi10Sri Sayanas11Yatha12Settibalija

Traditional occupations

The Gouds originally prospered around the Godavari River. The Goud community adopted alcoholic beverage production and sale as their trade. This trade is believed to be a gift from God. The people who serve toddy are considered God-like (Somanath, Madhusudhana, and Gandharvas).
Gouds also support themselves in farming and warrior profession which is a generalised trade being followed by all communities. From Kshatriyas to Schedule castes are allowed to do cultivation. Warrior position is also given to all communities in different positions. Before the British came every community has a specific trade to do.
Gouds prospered during Eastern chalukya empire( goud kings), Kakatiya empire( Goud kings ) and Vijaya nagar empire ( Golla/Yadav kings).During these empires, all communities have a good respect in society. After the British came, some trades like (warrior positions) are lost and some trades like hand loom, fishing, animal herding etc have become unprofitable. Due to the British Agricultural Revolution, only farming become more profitable.
A substantial body of educated Gouds constitute captains of the Information Technology enterprises and have established India's largest software outfits like Infosys and HCL Technologies.In Telangana,Gouds are mainly found in the brewing/liquor industry.

Different Regions - Different Caste Names

? They are identified by different names in different regions.
  • Goud, Gowd or Gouda in Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Edigas or Goudu or Gowdu in Rayalaseema region and South Coastal Andhra.
  • Setty Balijas in East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Visakhapatnam.
  • Gowda or Gamalla in coastal Andhra pradesh (mainly in Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore, West Godavari, Prakasam)
  • Sri Sayanas in Vishakapatanam, Vizayanagaram, and Srikakulam.
  • Bhandari in Konkan region of Maharashtra and Goa.
  • GoudGoud Kalal, Kalal in Maharashtra.
Kalwars are members of the subcaste of "distillers of alcohol" within the Indian caste system. In modern times, they may follow any occupation. Kalwars are Haihayavamshi.They are classified as Of Somavamshiya Sahasrarjun Kshatriyas. Haihaya is branch of Somavamshiya Kshatriyas.They claim lineage from one of the greatest Kings of all times Rajeshwara Sahasrarjuna also known as Kartavirya Arjuna, one of the great Chakarvarti Samrats of India. Common Surnames
Jayaswal Jaiswal Jayswal Choudhary Gopaliya Gupta Ahluwalia & Walia Karnwal Mahawar' Lohiya Batham Kharidaha Vyahut Shoundik (sudi) kshyatriya Martha Pardesi kalar (central India) Shivhare Somvanshi Pareta Mewada Tak Porwal Purviya Suwalka Rai Choukse Dadsena Malviya Jain Jaiswal Jain Kalar Survanshi Daharwal Neorgade Shione Jaisar' Sahu Nashine Pashine Khuble Patel Verma Gulhare Sugnadhi Aarya Tikkiwal Talwar' Lanjekar They number an estimated 3,500,000 worldwide and mostly live in: Western and Northern India, Nepal, Central and Western Pakistan, Eastern Afghanistan, Germany. There are similar communities in different parts of India involved in same profession and back ground.Ezhavas or Thiyyas of kerala,Billavas and Thiyya billavas of South Kannada region,Edigas of Karnataka,Bhandari of Maharastra,Nadars of Tamilnadu,Gouds of Andhra,Durave and Nalaver of Srilanka are of the same lineage.

Same Castes In Other States

S.No.Caste NameStateS.No.Caste NameStateS.No.Caste NameState
7EzhavaKerala8ThiyyaKerala9Nadar casteTamilnadu
10ShanarsTamilnadu11IluvarTamilnadu12Illathu PillamarTamilnadu
13JaiswalNorth India14KalalMaharastra15GoudKalalMaharastra
16BhandariMaharastra, Gujurat and Goa17Malayali BillavaKerala , Karnataka


  1. Srisayana Kshatriyas do not tap toddy from Palm or date trees.they collect toddy from toddy drawing castes.source, Edgar Thurston, south Indian castes and tribes book.their raja gotram is ganga,they are ganga vamsa Kshatriyas.

  2. Srisayana Kshatriyas ancestors coming from ayodya,one batch gone to Karnataka and another batch gone to mukalingam.west gangas defeated in war with cholas in 10th century.they migrated to mukalingam.both old and new gangas establish a new East ganga dynasty.anantha Varma choda ganga dev shifted his capital from mukalingam to cuttack in 12th century.their rishi gotram vasista and Raja gotram ganga.srisayanas raja gotram is ganga.they are ganga vamsa Kshatriyas.they are suryavamshi Kshatriyas,refer geneology of rama.they ruled 7 states.some poor srisayanas involved in toddy trading,they collect toddy from toddy tapping castes.they are called as anna.refer South Indian castes and tribes book, Edgar Thurston.a large number of srisayana Kshatriyas settled in Srikakulam and ganjam districts.if you want More information, contact Puri and parlakhemedi zamindars.

  3. Was told gouds were rishis who practice d ayurveda and toddy was just one of the medicinal or health drink.

  4. I have one doubt gowdas which category in Andhra pradesh state...plsss tell me I mean oc or bc category in Andhra pradesh state

  5. Anna nenu goud nenu Goud Union cherali naku solution cheppandi

  6. In history we are acting as Maharshis, rishis, munis, kings, doctors, merchants, rulers of several lands, the source is our gothras, becouse our gothras was telling what we are we are technically, scientifically, managerially, we developed in that days but what happened to present where that previous knowledge is gone from us? Due to lack of our historical knowledge we forget everything...
    I appreciate your hard work brother to know about our history thank you very much 🙏

  7. What is vishnu gothra in ediga community?
    Koudinya boy can marry vishnu gotra girl

  8. Good information, great collection, really appreciable.

  9. Good information, great collection, really appreciable.

  10. Tamilnadu name illathu pillai,sozhiya vellalar,sirugudi vellaller.

  11. What is called Gouds in Tamilnadu

  12. Gowdas are all over India with different caste names and different occupations. We are considering only people who are in toddy tapping profession as gowds.but they are in other professions too. Vokkaligas of karntaka and kongu vellalars ( gounders) are also from roots related too sage kaundinya.

  13. Anna in Karnataka vokkaliga Gowdas and TS Gowdas belonging to గౌడ సమే అన్న

  14. Rayudu surname is in goud
